Reality Cards turns real events into collectibles by merging the prediction market with the NFT market.
About Reality Cards
Reality Cards — an NFT marketplace with an added prediction market. Each live event result is a unique non-fungible token (NFT) and instead of betting on the result, you own it (or to be more precise, you rent it).
The prices, shown for each card on Reality Cards, are the daily rent in US dollars. To rent a Card, you must have an installed and unlocked Metamask and configured Polygon network. You must have some MATIC to pay for gas and some USDC to deposit.
To rent a card:
1 | Deposit some USDC. |
2 | Select the card you want to rent and enter the rental price per day. |
3 | Click "Rental card". |
At the end of the event, all rent, paid for all Cards, is distributed to all holders of the winning Card in proportion to how long they have held it. This is another key difference between reality maps and other prediction markets. It doesn't matter how much rent you paid, what matters is how long you own the winning card.
The deposit - how much USDC is actually sent under the contract. The rent will be gradually deducted from your deposit balance over time. Your deposit balance is shared across the site, allowing you to use the same deposit to rent any number of cards. There is no fee, however some of the rent (currently 2%) goes to the NFT artist to incentivize the creation of high quality art.
Additional information about the new nft dapp
The Leaderboard - a list of all Card holders, sorted by how long they have owned it. At the end of the event, whoever finishes first on the leaderboard will win the NFT. The rental list is actually an "order book", i.e. who will be the next owner of the Card if the current owner's deposit runs out (or he leaves his position). You can add yourself directly to the list of tenants by bidding below the current price of the Card.
You can get more information about the project on the main page. There is a general description, answers to questions and rules of use. Smart contract audit will be added later.