• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Meta Pool

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What is Meta Pool?

Meta Pool — a liquid staking protocol, built on NEAR. People stake their NEAR tokens in the Meta Pool, using auto-staking strategies, and receive “staking” NEAR tokens that they can use in the DeFi NEARverse or can be exchanged back to the original NEAR tokens at any time to cancel the stake.


Meta Pool - dapp.expert

About the Meta Pool project

Liquid staking - an alternative to traditional staking, allowing users to stake any amount of NEAR and effectively withdraw their NEAR without having to wait 52 to 65 hours before NEAR token holders receive their cumulative rewards. You can stake NEAR and/or unstake NEAR. There is no waiting time for a non-staking liquid swap decision. You pay a swap fee that ranges from 0.3% to 3%, depending on the actual liquidity, and the amount you wish to liquidate. You can also cancel the bet, using the old method, after waiting 2-3 days, but no commission.

Staking income is automatically added to the NEAR token.Meta Pool

When you transfer your staking tokens, you receive staked NEAR (stNEAR) tokens back into your wallet. These stNEAR tokens can help to cancel bets and claim your NEAR tokens.

Usage features:

1 Select the amount of NEAR to stake by using the Meta Pool liquid staking protocol.
2 In return, you get liquid NEAR (stNEAR), which increases in value through staking rewards.
3 Within the platform, each staker and liquidity provider receives $META governance tokens to participate in the DAO. You can use your stNEAR on DeFi platforms at any time or switch back to NEAR.

The contract tokenizes your stake, allowing users to use their stake as a NEP-141 token, called stNEAR. stNEAR represents NEAR staking. The amount of stNEAR you own automatically increases every epoch when you pay out the staking reward.

More about defi app

The Meta Pool contract includes the NEP-141 $META token, which is a project management token. It has no value other than that $META holders participate in the governance of the platform and can make decisions about the behavior of the platform.

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