• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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12 minutes ago

What is APENFT?

APENFT aims to build a bridge between top-notch artists and the blockchain, as well as support the growth of NFT’s own crypto artists.

APENFT - an art project on the blockchain

As the world's first cross-collecting art foundation and connecting traditional artists to the NFT marketplace, APENFT aims to build a robust, inclusive NFT marketplace through funding and supporting ecosystems, thus attracting more outstanding and innovative NFT development teams to deploy their projects on TRON for wider implementation.

APENFT (NFT) token — the official governance token, issued by the APENFT Foundation. It is a decentralized digital asset, supported by the ERC-20/TRC-20 protocols and serving as proof of entitlement to APENFT. NFT holders can vote, share profits and receive NFT airdrops. The total NFT supply - 999,990,000,000,000. NFT is currently traded on over 27 CEXs and DEXs, including OKX, Huobi, Kucoin, Bybit, Uniswap, Pancakeswap and Sunswap.

Terms of use:

1. Set up your Tronlink wallet and connect it to APENFT Marketplace.
2. Discover collections and NFTs on the APENFT Marketplace. Feel free to buy and sell anything on the market.
3. Upload your artwork with title and description, build your own NFT collection with the lowest gas fee, only on APENFT.

APENFT Marketplace, an important node for the foundation to build the NFT field, is a multi-chain gaming metaverse and NFT trading platform, built on BSC, TRON and Ethereum layer 1 protocols with BTFS decentralized storage and interoperable via BitTorrent Chain. This thriving platform will be an important support for the value of the NFT token.

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