• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M

Co-in Protocol

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What is Co-in Protocol?

Co-in Protocol — a social platform, powered by the Creator Token economic model on the ThunderCore blockchain. It aims to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes by streamlining the relationship between creators and their fans, for example by encouraging more interaction through blockchain technology and economic form.


Co-in Protocol

How does the Co-in Protocol work??

Its mission - to encourage users to retain their profit sharing rights and to support the sharing of income between creators and their fans. Co-in aims to change the value of interaction between creators and their fans. In particular, the creators reward their fans with their tokens and create their communities to gather fans and attract loyal users through the fan network.

Developers can launch their own tokens and give away gifts to their fans.Co-in Protocol

The more interaction that happens between creators and their fans, the higher the value of the tokens. Creators reach their goals and get more fan support, and thus their fans can use Creator Tokens to buy NFTs or redeem tokens for income. Investors and advertisers set advertising goals for creators. The creators and their fans decide together whether to accept assignments, and if so, develop promotion plans. Finally, developers and their fans will earn income through the joint efforts of completing tasks.

Developers create useful and engaging content, and users can show their appreciation by following accounts or purchasing artwork. For their fans, they can actively participate in the production and promotion of the creators and earn income in exchange for their support.

Other features:

1. Creators profit from the support of their fans and earn indirect income from incentive plans.
2. Fans benefit by showing their support for content by viewing, commenting and liking.
3. The revenue, generated from content sharing and promotion, as well as most of the revenue, generated through Co-in, will belong to users.

The Creator Support Program, funded by Co-in proceeds, aims to serve as a platform to provide Web 3-style financial and instrumental support to creators by bringing together creators, fans, investors and consumers.

Economic model

The economic model of the Co-in token is based on the issuance of fungible tokens (i.e. identical individual coins), as fungible tokens provide fair incentives and flexible trading models. There is no limit to the total supply of tokens, giving creators more flexibility in managing their growth expectations.

Co-in supports users who have tokens to post incentive jobs on the platform. Users are rewarded with tokens after completing tasks, based on their content and providing proof of work. For example, a member can post promotion tasks, such as sharing published content, and reward users who complete the task with tokens.

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