• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


Total Users
The fiat value of incoming dapp transactions over a period of time
Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
- No data available.
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Crypto Market Outlook: What's on the Horizon?Story growth prospects, SOL's struggles, and Web3Bay's e-commerce opportunities analyzed.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

15 minutes ago

New Prospects for Meme Coins: Arctic Pablo, Popcat, and BrettThe meme crypto market is buzzing with new tokens like Arctic Pablo, Popcat, and Brett. How do they stand out among others?
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Giorgi Kostiuk

15 minutes ago

Bybit Enhances Security Measures with New Fraud Prevention APIBybit introduces a new API to update the blacklist of suspicious wallets, aiming to protect the industry from fraudulent activities.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

16 minutes ago

What is Eth17?

Eth17 is a simple game of "higher or lower". Players have up to 17 guesses to correctly guess the number stored in the smart contract, and if they guess correctly, they win all the Eth in the contract. After each guess, the contract will tell you whether you need to guess higher or lower on the next guess. If you guess incorrectly, a countdown timer will start counting down from 10 minutes, and if the timer reaches zero and nobody else makes a guess, you win all the ether in the contract anyway!

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