• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M

Ether Magic

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What is Ether Magic?

A PERFECT WAY TO EARN 3 ETH MULTIPLE TIMES IN A DAY WITH 0.25 ETH. 💢 Start with 0.25 ETH. 💢 Can receive 200%, i.e. 0.5 ETH.💢 Can earn ETH in 4 different ways: 1. Passive income of 1% daily dividends for 200 days. There’s no time limit to complete a cycle, you can do it in 200 days or in 2 days, or even several times a day if you build a team. Turn 0.25 ETH into 0.50 ETH Turn 0.5 ETH into 1 ETH Turn 1 ETH into 2 ETH Turn 2 ETH into 4 ETH Turn 3 ETH into 6 ETH 2. Active income by referring others. 10% of their daily income of 10 generations down (1 generation added per direct, 10 directs 10 generations). 3. 20% Direct referrals income from the referrals when they join/upgrade their levels. It’s like a sponsor Bonus & will be distributed 2% each for 10 Level uplines without any conditions. 4. Can win a daily pool by being a top recruiter. 💢 Can combine the first 3 to receive 200% faster, i.e. 0.5 ETH. 💢 Once the 0.5 ETH income limit is reached, now the user has the option to invest 0.25 ETH or 0.5 ETH and go on.💢 Maximum 5 cycles would be there, i.e. user can invest maximum of 3 ETH. 💢 Users can settle and withdraw their amount daily. REFERRAL INCOME: 💢 When a user joins/upgrades his cycle, 20% of the invested amount is distributed amongst 10 uplines. 💢 In the daily ROI, Sponsor will earn 10% of the daily dividend amount of his downline. 1. If a user earns 0.01 ETH per day, then once he settles the amount, 0.001 would be transferred to his sponsors up to 10 levels. An important point to note here is, a person can earn up to 10 levels downlines provided he has referred 10 direct users. Means, if a person has 3 directs, then he can earn a commission from 3 level downlines. As your team increases, you will earn more. 5% of the invested amount will be added to the daily pool from which the 24 hours highest sponsor will be awarded 10% rest 90% of the pool amount will be added to the next day pool.

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