• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


Total Users
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Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
- No data available.
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New York Tackles Cryptocurrency Scam: Over $2 Million StolenAG Letitia James takes action to recover $2M stolen in a cryptocurrency scam involving fake job offers.
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10 minutes ago

Bitcoin Forecasts: Future Cryptocurrency Prospects and OpportunitiesBitcoin volatility sparks interest in market opportunities and potential price growth.
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10 minutes ago

Meta May Consider Adding Bitcoin to Corporate TreasuryShareholder proposal urges Meta Platforms to reassess its asset allocation strategy and consider Bitcoin as an inflation-proof asset.
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11 minutes ago

What is EthSkyTrix?

Ethskytrix is a decentralized ethereum smart contract blockchain system designed and built to allocate funds directly to the individual wallets of the respective participants, without a third party interference. Our unique system, offers every participant the chance to earn as much as 528ETH from all the system levels. Ethskytrix is a unique system, being the first of its kind in the ethereum blockchain matrix system to be backed by a functional token, the ETHSKYTRIX TOKEN (ESKT) By participating in the system, you earn ethereum across the matrix structures with a compensatory (ESKT) token allocated to members upon account activation and completion of each system level. The allocated Ethskytrix Token (ESKT), a compensation exclusively reserved for the active participants can be withdrawn and traded on the exchange with high liquidity values. HOW DOES IT WORKS? The ETHSKYTRIX platform is automated with the ethereum blockchain system to prevent third party or admin handling of funds, as funds are directly sent to participants without having the need to opt for withdrawal from the system as the system stores no fund. HOW TO ACTIVATE ETHSKYTRIX ACCOUNT To have your account activated, kindly sign up at https://ethskytrix.live Fund your ethereum wallet with 0.05eth using any certified dapp ethereum wallet(metamask, coinbase, tokenpocket etc) Activate you account by transferring 0.05eth to the ETH wallet account automatically generated by clicking the activation button. Now copy out your referral code and share with your friends and family. Every participant will be compensated with 100ESKT upon successful activation of the ETHSKYTRIX account with 0.05ETH. The system equally allocates 100ESKT to each participant for each successfully completed system level, across all matrix levels.

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