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  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
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Frankenstein Finance

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What is Frankenstein Finance?

Inspired by Swamp.Finance, Frankenstein.finance is a yield optimizer, which enables yield aggregation for holders and users of FRANK tokens.To facilitate automation of the yield farming and the process of compounding, Frankenstein.finance uses vaults. Vaults also enable a more efficient utilization of gas, as well as other automated processes, and use different yield strategies to help users grow their assets through automation. Frankenstein.finance has an optimal compounding strategy with an efficient pricing model, designed to encourage long-term yield farming and provide appropriate incentives for long-term holders. Thanks to the automation factor in the process of yield generation and compounding, users don't need to manually reinvest their staking rewards, but can rely on automated asset growth by simply making a deposit into a Frankenstein.finance vault. FRANK holders also don’t need to have extensive knowledge of the underlying protocols that support automation and yield optimization, while depositing funds to vaults represents a passive investment strategy. The goal is to increase the initial value of assets deposited by users, similar to how crypto hedge funds work, with minimal involvement on users’ end.

In addition to all the features that Swamp.Finance's smart contracts offer, Frankenstein.Finance offers more core features on its ecosystem like having its own Lottery, a Referral system, and a Workers panel, in where users can interact and harvest pending rewards for the entire farm or pool, earning some FRANK tokens in exchange, similar to what Acryptos has. All these features added are inspired from other big projects on BSC, that's why the name of Frankenstein, it has monster smart contracts in its core, adding  functional usage of the token, with the ability to reward users via its Rewards System and Lottery.

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