• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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What is Inxight?

The InXight app, developed and powered by Scanetchain, can digitally recognize any object, brand and image using AR technology both offline and online, without any additional equipment. By just pointing their smartphone camera at objects and images, users can access relevant content through AR technology. Furthermore, products and services can be directly purchased utilizing this service through familiar commerce platforms. InXight users also have the ability to create their own AR content that can be shared with other users within the ecosystem as well on social media. Allowing users to create their own content enables a true decentralized open ecosystem where crowd-curated content can benefit the greater community. There are many examples of the impact and benefit of crowd curation of data and content – one very well known example is the mapping service Waze, where crowd-curated location data benefits users utilizing the navigation services. In a similar context, crowd curation and creation in InXight adds an extra layer of searchable content and information beyond the database of content created by Scanetchain and their partner network. The InXight app also has a new reward and incentive system, where all user actions and activities within the ecosystem are incentivized. Users will receive SWC digital asset token rewards for their interaction in the service and will directly benefit from their daily usage of the technology. Creating and uploading AR content, scanning to search, or communicate with other users, all of these actions are rewardable. Users can choose to use the SWC rewards to make purchases, use as a price offset, or even exchange for other cryptocurrencies or fiat.

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