• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Lords of the Snails

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Mutuum Finance: Opportunities and PredictionsMutuum Finance's presale offers a 550% return. The platform promises sustainability with its new P2P and P2C ecosystem.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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Magacoin: A New Player in the Crypto Market and Its PotentialMagacoin draws attention from investors in 2025. We explore its potential compared to XRP, ADA, TRX, and LTC.
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Binance Transfers Large Amounts of SOL and ETH, Impacting the MarketBinance actively transfers SOL and ETH, impacting major exchanges and market makers.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

a minute ago

What is Lords of the Snails?

Hottest potatoes since Troy! In Lords of the Snails, you compete with other players to stack eggs in your nest. It works like a hot potato: grab a snail, you get their eggs, their price rise. If another player grabs your snail afterwards, you get your ETH back. The game is simple, but deceptively so. The longer a round goes without anyone grabbing a snail, the bigger the egg bonus. The more a snail is grabbed, the higher their egg production. Timing is critical, and so is having the right strategy!

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