• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


Total Users
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Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
- No data available.
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BDTCOIN: Gold-backed Cryptocurrency Revolutionizing the MarketBDTCOIN, the first gold-backed cryptocurrency, is set to list on a leading global crypto exchange.
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26 minutes ago

Hal Finney's Iconic 'Running Bitcoin' Phrase Resonates in HistoryHal Finney's first Bitcoin tweet became a historic milestone, symbolizing faith in cryptocurrency.
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27 minutes ago

Remint and MLG Price Surge Amidst Market InstabilityCertain cryptocurrencies exhibit double and triple-digit gains amidst market volatility.
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27 minutes ago

What is nTOPAZ?

1. What does nTOPAZ mean? √ nTOPAZ is a start-up venture company that begins with the belief that human natural talent and creative ideas can shine well, work creatively, and find their meaning and identity when they are well recognized for their value. √ nTOPAZ means n, an infinite number of TOPAZes(characterization of talents who shine like jewels) who interchange horizontally and vertically through a common n(Network)--growing and collaborating together on a social media-based service. The slogan for the service is "Shine your Light!" which means give off your talents to your heart's content, as well as a neutral message to light up (fill in) the darkness. 2. Why do we need nTOPAZ? √ At the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) are content creators and digital artists, but the current labor market and talent ecosystem's issues and problems need improvement: ‘Talent Discovery > Talent Development > Talent Commercialization > Talent Donation/Reproduction’ This virtuous ecosystem is the ultimate solution and why we decided to implement the plan. 3. nTOPAZ's biz Area √ Crowd-sourcing: Global artists' talent arena and a platform where company collaboration can bring out branded content creation and crowdsourcing √ Talent Commerce: Composed of goods , services, and classes, we plan to expand it into a Design-Edition Marketplace. √ Crowd-Funding: We plan to expand into creative project funding and STAR Token for Star-level artists, and e-MCN(Artist support), online auction.

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