- 0 initial emission, all tokens are minted following the rules
- There is a button
- If you press it, your address overtakes whoever is about to win, and the counter resets
- If nobody pushes it for 1 hour, you win the jackpot
- If someone overtakes you, you get some POOF tokens
- Pressing the button has a cost, the cost goes down every second, but it goes up with every press
- The amount of POOF minted on each overtaking goes down every time someone wins the jackpot
- The funds go to the pool; those funds are used as follows:
70% for the jackpot
10% to the POOF/ETH Uniswap liquidity pool
10% to the SHUF/ETH Uniswap liquidity pool
10% stays on the pool for the next jackpot
The button is here
And POOF can be traded on Uniswap