* Buying costs no fees so 1% slippage
* Sell within 24 hours : 32% burn (24% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 8% Redistributed to Holders) * Sell within 72 hours : 28% burn (21% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 7% Redistributed to Holders) * Sell within 120 hours : 24% burn (18% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 6% Redistributed to Holders) * Sell within 168 hours : 20% burn (15% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 5% Redistributed to Holders) * Standard burn : 16% burn (12% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 4% Redistributed to Holders) * * Max amount per wallet 3,000,000,000 * Max transaction 1,000,000,000