• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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SCCN Stock Exchange

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What is SCCN Stock Exchange?

What is the SCCN Stock Exchange? The SCCN stock exchange is a high-risk decentralized application where you can buy fake stocks in companies using SCCN, a cryptocurrency on the Tron blockchain under the TRC20 standard. How do players earn? You can earn by buying stocks when they are low in price, and selling them when they are high in price. Please note that there is a 1.5% fee on all stock purchases. 0.5% of this goes towards admin fees, and 1% goes to your referrer. If you do not have a referrer set, the full 1.5% will go towards admin fees. These fees will not affect your profit, as you will still get the full amount of shares that you would get without fees. This means that you can earn by referring your friends to this dApp! 1% of the value of any purchases that they make will automatically be sent directly do your Tron wallet! To refer your friends, just tell them to put your address in the "Referrer's address" input box! Risks There are a number of risks that come with investing in this dApp. The contract could get drained at any time. Profits can only be given out if some users make a loss. This means that not everyone can be guaranteed to make a profit, only users that play absolutely strategically. By using this dApp, you take full responsiblity for any loss of funds that occur. The stocks that you invest in could go up or down. We hold no responsibility if the account hosting the stock prices is compromised, as that is beyond our control. By using this dApp, you take full responsibility for any funds that you invest. Only invest what you can afford.

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