• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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The Cryptoz NFT Universe

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Memecoin Market Collapse as Valuations Decline by 56%The memecoin market has experienced a 56% drop in capitalization, drawing comparisons to the NFT market crash.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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Future of Cryptocurrencies: Which Coins Will Lead?Exploring the prospects of Bitcoin, XRP, and OFFICIALMAGACOIN amid the crypto market's growth.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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U.S. Secret Service Halts Garantex: Impact on the Crypto Industry and UsersGarantex's site blocking highlights increased cryptocurrency regulation, affecting Russian exchanges and the global crypto scene.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

9 minutes ago

What is The Cryptoz NFT Universe?

The goal is to collect the rare and unique undead NFT cards, earn or trade BEP-20 Cryptoz eXPerience (CZXP) tokens to unlock new levels. Each minted NFT Cryptoz card is a unique token on the Binance Smart Chain. Collectors can buy, sell, and exchange both their Cryptoz NFT cards and CZXP tokens through any standards compliant wallets, markets, game engines, exchanges, DeFi and other future inventions.

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