• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Doge’s Alt Rally Memecoin Could Become a Hit Among InvestorsDoge’s Alt Rally, a new Solana memecoin, is poised for a 15,000% rise due to upcoming exchange listings.
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4 minutes ago

Why Mark Cuban Chooses Bitcoin Over Gold?Mark Cuban sees Bitcoin as superior to gold in economic instability.
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26 minutes ago

Senate Subcommittee on Cryptocurrency Regulation: What Changes Await the Industry?A new Senate subcommittee will focus on cryptocurrency regulation, paving the way for a clearer legislative framework.
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26 minutes ago


TOOKTOOK is a three-second daily greeting platform for creative communication for all everyday life, Visual message platform. Instead of using emoticons that the existing SNS or messenger platforms supply regardless of user preference, It is the platform that allows you to communicate with your own short videos and your own text. In the global SNS market, over 12.5 billion redundant users send an average of 10 billion emoticons a day. TOOKTOOK platform allows anyone to share their daily life with their own 3-sec video and language. You can create a TTcon to use instead of a standardized emoticon. In particular, the 3-second video of TOOKTOOK is a differentiator in that it can communicate through personalization and all social networking. From a technical point of view, we provide a 3-second editing method for 3-second video creation.

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