• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Total Users
The fiat value of incoming dapp transactions over a period of time
Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
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SUI Dips Below $3.00, Confirming Bearish TrendSUI drops below $3.00 support, signaling a bearish trend and stronger selling pressures.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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Institutional Investors Shift Focus to Ethereum ETFsInstitutional investors increasingly choose Ethereum ETFs for its updates and real-world applications.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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Bitcoin Drops Below $87,000: What Led to the Crypto Market CrashBitcoin's plunge to $87,000 sparks a crypto market collapse, affecting Ethereum and XRP.
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Giorgi Kostiuk

2 minutes ago

What is Trickle?

Trickle is a blockchain application that lets two parties create secure fixed hourly rate agreements. The smart contract locks the reward for the recipient and releases it in a linear proportion to time. Trickle works with any stablecoin or ERC20-compatible token on top of Ethereum network. Trickle implements the most transparent financial relationships ever possible: the smart contract locks the reward for the recipient and releases it in a linear proportion to time. Thus, both employer and employee are secure; from the employer's side, they have almost no risks in getting a bad employee as they can cancel the agreement at any time. From the employee's side, they get paid FOR EACH SECOND of their work, and the smart contract guarantees that the value accrued to their balance to time is theirs without exceptions.

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