• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is TronTree?

TronTree is a TRX Currency-based Community Crowd Funding Concept which is an unprecedented mix of 2 things, High Mathematical Calculation + Smart Contract.

The "Highly Mathematical Calculation" part gives the participants a good and pre-determined growth on their deposit fund, a great Referral Program to keep the regular fund flow, security to the participant's fund, and the stability to the concept to run for long.

At the same time, "Smart Contract" assures complete transparency to all the transactions take place in the concept, allows the entire world to participate together in it, eliminates the need of any third party, and provides security to the accumulated fund in the smart contract. It keeps the system free from any type of tampering, manipulation, or fraudulence activity and gives an opportunity to all the participants to join the concept with full trust.

We are proud to state that TronTree Concept does not make any investments, or do any type of trading and not even manipulate participants' funds in any way. It just offers participants a fixed growth on their fund based on a "Highly Mathematical Calculation".

We may possibly know many such platforms that promise good growth by investing participant’s funds in trading or any other program, but it becomes a very risky task. In such platforms, participants invest their funds with someone else, where they use the participant's fund according to their own interest. There is no such trading or investment program for the common man in this world where they get assured profit. What we mean is the possibility of loss along with profit always persists.

Therefore, TronTree proudly announces that on this platform, the participant's fund is never touched but it is circulated within all the participants only through a Highly Calculated program which is fully secured and assures stability for a long time.

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