• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Analysis: Pippin Shows Remarkable GrowthPippin's price jumped 102% in 24 hours amidst increased trading volumes. Growing interest in Solaxy.
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24 minutes ago

What is WHEAT?

Contract Address (BSC): 0x3ab63309F85df5D4c3351ff8EACb87980E05Da4E

Initial Liquidity: 10,000 WHEAT matched with 200 BNB for the initial liquidity.

Emission rate: 1 WHEAT/block

Emission distribution: 

100% of the WHEAT emissions go towards incentivizing farmers.

There is a 0% team allocation for the emissions.

Throughout the earliest launch period the emissions of WHEAT are used to incentivize users to deposit their LP tokens into the protocol, the purpose of this is to quickly accumulate large balances in the Fee Collector contracts that constantly buyback and burn WHEAT.

The longer term goal for WHEAT is having emissions of it to continually incentivize the different products offered whilst being deflationary, deflation in WHEAT happens when the buyback contract is buybacking and burning more WHEAT than the emission rate at the time.

The typical farming uses up any existing revenues to automatically buyback the token, however the point in time where the protocol is making the most revenue is usually also the point at which the token price is the highest, this makes the effective buyback amount negligible compared to the tokens being issued.

When the price of the token eventually crashes down so does the TVL/volume of the protocol and as a direct consequence the revenue of it, the result is that no matter the current state of the protocol it never has enough revenue to buyback more than what it’s issuing.

This is where WHEAT innovates

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