Kabosu, the beloved dog that served as the inspiration for the famous meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, is soon to be honored with a statue in a Japanese local government area, as reported recently. The statue's grand reveal is scheduled for next month, coinciding with Kabosu's birthday on November 2.
The initiative to erect this statue is led by PleasrDAO, the NFT community holding the original "doge" meme NFT. They have collaborated with local government officials from the City of Sakura to bring this tribute to life.
The funding for Kabosu's statue was raised by the NFT community last year, and with the project nearing its completion, they have chosen Sakura Furusato Square as the installation site. This location holds sentimental value, as it's a place where Kabosu and her owners often enjoyed their walks.
Additionally, the community plans to organize a live event to celebrate the occasion, offering attendees the opportunity to meet Atsuko Sato, Kabosu's owner, and receive certain special benefits. The post DOGE NFT Community Unveils Plans to Install Kabosu Statue in Japan appeared first on Coin Edition.