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Manta pacific migrates to Polygon CDK, joins ecosystem

Manta pacific migrates to Polygon CDK, joins ecosystem

Oct 16, 2023

An announcement made on October 16 stated that Manta Pacific's network, which primarily focuses on zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, was planning to integrate with the Polygon ecosystem by adopting the Chain Development Kit (CDK) software. This change suggests that Manta will instead join the Polygon ecosystem rather than the upcoming Optimism Superchain, as was originally planned.

The Manta network is an Ethereum layer-2 platform that focuses on ZK-based applications, such as privacy and digital identity solutions. On September 12, it successfully launched its mainnet and processed more than 500,000 transactions.

Manta was initially created as an optimistic rollup using the OP Stack software from Optimism Labs. However, the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), which uses a different security model while facilitating the development of interconnected blockchain networks, is now a competitor.

Manta listed three main justifications for switching to Polygon CDK. First, Polygon CDK guarantees quick processing of deposits and withdrawals without requiring a wait time for fraud proofs, leading to noticeably faster finality.

Second, Manta emphasized Polygon CDK's modularity and sovereignty, giving its team more freedom in ongoing feature development.

Thirdly, developers will be able to create a trustless ZK bridge to Ethereum by utilizing Polygon CDK. Users of various Polygon CDK networks will eventually be able to access one another's liquidity thanks to this bridge, expanding the ecosystem.

The Polygon zkEVM launch on March 27 added to the Polygon ecosystem, which had previously only included the Polygon Proof of Stake network. Plans to incorporate these networks into the "Polygon 2.0" ecosystem were unveiled in June.

On August 9, the Optimism ecosystem launched a second network called the Base network. On October 3, it unveiled a fraud-proof system intended for widespread use throughout the ecosystem.


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