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XRPL transaction volume falls sharply in the second quarter of 2024

XRPL transaction volume falls sharply in the second quarter of 2024

Aug 4, 2024

Transactions on the XRP Ledger (XRPL) declined significantly in the second quarter of 2024, according to a report from Ripple. In the first quarter of 2023, there were 251.39 million transactions, while in the second quarter of 2024, the number dropped to 86.38 million.
Ripple noted that activity in most major blockchain protocols declined in the second quarter, and XRPL was no exception. The decrease in blockchain activity compared to the first quarter was significant.
The main reason for the decrease was a significant increase in the transaction value of the XRP Ledger by 168% to 0.00394 XRP. Ripple attributed this sharp increase to the increased load on the network and necessary measures to protect against spam.
In comparison, the first quarter of 2024 saw the opposite trend, with the number of transactions increasing by 108% compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, while the average transaction value almost halved, by 45%.
Despite the current decline in activity, Ripple remains optimistic about the future. The company expects digital asset exchange Archax to bring “hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real-world tokenized assets to the XRPL in 2025.”

The report also emphasizes that the decline in activity on the XRPL network is part of a general trend affecting most blockchain protocols in the second quarter of 2024. The company believes that such fluctuations in activity are natural in a changing market.
The rise in transaction value in XRP Ledger was caused by the increased load on the network, which forced developers to revise the commission policy to prevent spam attacks and preserve the stability of the network. Ripple explained that such measures are necessary to ensure the long-term stability and security of the blockchain.
In contrast, the first quarter of 2024 saw an increase in activity due to process optimization and improved network bandwidth, which attracted more users and increased the number of transactions.
The decline in activity in the second quarter may be a temporary phenomenon due to an adjustment after significant growth in the first quarter. Ripple believes that such fluctuations are a normal part of the functioning of blockchain networks and are not indicative of long-term problems.
The company is also continuing to invest in the development and improvement of the XRPL infrastructure, which will allow it to maintain high activity and meet the needs of users in the future. The launch of new products and services based on XRPL is expected to attract additional investment and increase interest in the platform.

Таким образом, несмотря на текущие вызовы и снижение активности во втором квартале 2024 года, Ripple остается уверенной в перспективности и устойчивости своей сети. Планируемые инициативы, такие как вывод на XRPL токенизированных активов реального мира через биржу Archax, а также постоянное совершенствование технологии, должны способствовать дальнейшему росту и развитию экосистемы XRP Ledger.


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