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Character Consistency: New Midjourney Feature to Improve Images

Character Consistency: New Midjourney Feature to Improve Images

Mar 27, 2024

The development team at Midjourney recently announced a new feature in their product called "Character Consistency". It is designed to improve image processing, allowing for precise recreation of the same characters across different illustrations. This feature is crucial for maintaining uniformity and preserving character traits during multiple appearances, which was a significant challenge in the context of using generative AI technologies.

The process of working with this feature includes saving the URL of a specific image, which is then used as a reference point for further image creation. The user must include this URL in a new prompt using the structure cref [URL]. This allows the system to recognize and reproduce the designated character with the required degree of accuracy.

Additionally, entering a numerical value from 1 to 100 after the URL (for example, –cref [URL] –cw 100) allows for adjusting the level of detail in the character reproduction. Thus, users can influence how closely future images will match the original, ensuring the necessary visual consistency. This functionality opens new possibilities for creativity, giving content creators deeper control over the visual narrative and its elements.

Midjourney is a research laboratory developing innovative technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, enabling the creation of high-quality images through text queries. It is known for its ability to generate unique visual content, including art works, concept art, and much more, providing innovative approaches in the field of generative design.


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