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Co-founder of Yuga Labs announced ambitious plans for the Bored Apes franchise

Co-founder of Yuga Labs announced ambitious plans for the Bored Apes franchise

May 27, 2024

Greg Solano, one of the founders of Yuga Labs, has finally shared his plans regarding the Bored Apes franchise. In his official X account, he took responsibility for the updates based on a 10-day registration period.

Since its debut and transformation into the largest series of digital collectibles, Yuga Labs has been striving to release functional products. Solano highlighted key updates despite acknowledging the company's lack of depth and skill in product development.

Development of the Yuga Labs Ecosystem

Greg began by mentioning ODK, considered the standard for creating and monetizing social experiences based on cryptocurrencies and 3D games. This demonstrates Yuga Labs' active investment in innovative gaming technologies.

According to Solano, Web3 developers are working on Project Dragon, a first-person shooter with an unusual team battle storyline. The team uses the same tools for creating both ODK and the game itself.

In addition to various branding initiatives, the company introduced ApeFest, set to take place in a 15th-century monastery and gather thousands of Bored Apes owners from 56 countries. Solano noted that merchandise will be produced and delivered according to the plan, making the event unique.

Solano also mentioned that the company is exploring the integration of BAYC with other physical goods to further enrich the Yuga Labs ecosystem.


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