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CryptoPunk owners have a 48-hour window to acquire physical renditions of their NFTs

CryptoPunk owners have a 48-hour window to acquire physical renditions of their NFTs

Oct 27, 2023

Owners of CryptoPunk non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have the opportunity to secure physical replicas of their digital artwork, as revealed in a statement on October 26. This initiative comes from a collaboration between the digital art platform Avante Art and Yuga Labs, the entity behind the CryptoPunks brand. This limited-time sale runs for 48 hours, commencing on October 26 at 3:00 p.m. UTC and concluding on October 28 at the same time.

Avante Art is presenting two unique versions of the CryptoPunks physical collection. The initial version, termed “Punk-On-Chain,” allows digital punk holders to request a corresponding print. But to do so, they must validate their ownership, ensuring only genuine on-chain owners can acquire these prints.

The subsequent series, “10,000 On-Chain,” showcases prints of the entire 10,000 CryptoPunks and is accessible to all enthusiasts. Thus, even non-owners of the original on-chain punks can procure these prints.

Each version of the printed punks has distinct attributes. The 10,000 On-Chain variants are crafted as Archival pigment prints and sport a silkscreen varnish finish, while the Punk-On-Chain ones are UV pigment prints with white undertones. A hallmark of authenticity for both is the Yuga Labs holographic emblem.

Furthermore, the Punk-On-Chain prints bear a QR code at the back, linking to a blockchain-verified Certificate of Authenticity (CoA). Conversely, the 10,000 On-Chain prints come paired with a tangible CoA that has a QR code linking to its online counterpart, but this code isn't directly printed on the artwork.

CryptoPunks, developed by Larva Labs in June 2017, were among the first algorithmic art on the blockchain, initially free for Ethereum users. Currently, a CryptoPunk starts at about $78,000, with the collection valued at over $782 million. In March 2022, Larva Labs sold the copyrights to Yuga Labs.


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