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2024 Election Race: Trump vs. Harris

Aug 20, 2024
  1. Campaign Narratives and Candidate Perceptions
  2. Challenges for Each Side
  3. Cryptos' Mega Influence on Elections

The 2024 US elections continue to draw public attention, addressing important topics and provoking heated debates. The main focus is on the rivalry between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, each having their strengths and weaknesses. Let's explore the key points and the influence of cryptocurrencies on the current electoral situation.

Campaign Narratives and Candidate Perceptions

Donald Trump positions himself as an experienced businessman and a Washington 'outsider' seeking to reform the system. His slogan 'Make America Great Again' recalls a time when goods were made in the USA and evokes a sense of national pride. Kamala Harris represents a sharp and diplomatic Washington insider capable of handling global and domestic issues. Her campaign focuses on restoring civil liberties.

Challenges for Each Side

The Republican Party faces the challenge of having a convicted criminal as their candidate, which negatively impacts some voters. Donald Trump also uses divisive language, which may repel potential voters. The Democratic Party is perceived as 'the party without a plan,' making it difficult to counter Trump's active campaign.

Cryptos' Mega Influence on Elections

Cryptocurrencies have become a significant topic in the elections, attracting diverse groups of voters. There are approximately 52 million cryptocurrency holders in the USA, and both sides seek their support. The influence of cryptocurrencies on the elections grows daily, making them an important factor in the race for victory.

The results of the 2024 US elections remain unclear, but one thing is certain: cryptocurrency voters will play a crucial role in determining the winner.


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