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2024 Year Sets Record for SEC Fines Against Cryptocurrency Companies

Sep 12, 2024
  1. Major Fines in 2024
  2. Breakdown of Fines
  3. Review of Significant Fines

2024 has turned out to be a record year for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its enforcement against cryptocurrency firms. The SEC has reportedly imposed fines amounting to approximately $4.7 billion on executives and companies within the crypto industry.

Major Fines in 2024

The bulk of this amount came from the $4.6 billion settlement with Do Kwon's Terraform Labs a few months ago. According to Social Capital, the SEC has collected over $7.2 billion in fines since it began overseeing the industry in 2013. In 2024, the SEC has carried out 11 enforcement actions against crypto firms, leading to a 3,018% increase from the $159.3 million in fines it secured in 2023. Interestingly, the SEC has taken 19 fewer actions against crypto firms in 2024 compared to the previous year.

Breakdown of Fines

The total fines for 2024 include several parts such as forfeiture, disgorgement, civil penalties, settlements, and interest. The report observed a shift in the regulator’s enforcement approach. The SEC appears to focus on fewer but bigger cases. The regulator mostly targets cases that can set examples for the whole industry.

Review of Significant Fines

The SEC has imposed some heavy fines in recent years. For example, it fined Telegram $1.24 billion, which included $18.5 million in civil penalties and $1.2 billion paid back to investors. The SEC also fined GTV Media Group, Ripple Labs, and John and Tina Barksdale over $100 million each.

Record fines by the SEC in 2024 highlight the regulator's efforts to establish control over the cryptocurrency industry. The future will show how these measures impact the further development of the sector.


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