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App Drivers in Abuja Set Their Own Fare Prices

Sep 9, 2024
  1. Decision by Abuja Drivers
  2. Current Fuel Situation
  3. Impact on Passengers

App drivers in Abuja have decided to bypass fare rates stipulated by app companies and implement their own fixed prices. This decision comes amidst the continuous increase in fuel prices and the refusal of app management companies to review fares.

Decision by Abuja Drivers

A group of drivers calling themselves the 'Concerned Abuja Pilots' have decided to set their own fare rates. In their circular, they mentioned that after many discussions and due to persistent fuel price increases, they resolved to increase ride prices on their own. For short trips, the fare is now set at N450 per kilometer, and for long trips, it is N400 per kilometer. Drivers are advised to accept rides and immediately renegotiate prices accordingly, or cancel the trip.

Current Fuel Situation

This decision comes in the context of severe fuel scarcity in the country. Following the recent increase in petrol prices, drivers have started turning off air conditioning during rides and negotiating fares manually with passengers to compensate for the increased costs. One driver, Oyebode, reported that he has been driving without air conditioning for the past two to three weeks, and most passengers understand and cooperate.

Impact on Passengers

If the new fare rates are adopted, passengers will have to adjust to new ride conditions. The driver group also announced methods to enforce the new prices: positioned in strategic locations, orders with low fares will be monitored, and drivers who do not renegotiate fares will undergo two-hour training sessions on-site. Drivers are also asked to print the circular and display it in their vehicles to inform passengers about the new fare regime.

App drivers in Abuja are facing significant financial difficulties due to rising fuel prices and have decided to take matters into their own hands. Passengers will now need to get used to the new fare rates. It remains to be seen how this situation will affect the service market and user behavior.


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