Adam Back, a renowned cryptographer and inventor of Hashcash, shared intriguing details about his Bitcoin ownership. Although his inventions impacted cryptocurrency's development, he didn’t acquire Bitcoin until 2013.
The History of Hashcash Invention
Hashcash was invented by Adam Back in 1997 as a proof-of-work algorithm to combat spam and denial-of-service attacks. This algorithm played a crucial role in the setup of Bitcoin's mining process and influenced the creation of its proof-of-work model. Back's contributions were mentioned in Satoshi Nakamoto's 2008 white paper.
Lack of Bitcoin Ownership until 2013
Despite his significant role in cryptographic systems development, Back did not own Bitcoin until 2013. He admitted it was a mistake, expressing regret over not purchasing or mining Bitcoin in 2009.
Blockstream Company's Development
After his initial Bitcoin purchases in 2013, the cryptocurrency's price grew by more than 50,000%. In 2014, Back founded Blockstream, a company developing infrastructure for Bitcoin and other decentralized systems. Blockstream is known for innovations like sidechains, Liquid Network and the Bitcoin satellite network.
Despite contributing significantly to cryptocurrency's development, Adam Back only began owning Bitcoin in 2013. His subsequent work with Blockstream further advanced decentralized technology.