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Analysis of Bitcoin's Potential Support Level

Jul 5, 2024

Analysis of Bitcoin's Potential Support Level

The day commenced with a less-than-ideal start in the realm of cryptocurrency trading. Bitcoin experienced a decline to $53,485 on the Binance exchange, triggering a cascade effect on altcoins, pushing them to even lower levels. An analyst recently commented on this downward trend, shedding light on a discernible pattern that has emerged in the market.

Strength of $52,000 Level as Bitcoin's Support

The analyst, known as Stockmoney Lizards, released an assessment of the cryptocurrency market on X platform, focusing on the Bat-based harmonic model. The analysis revealed that Bitcoin breached the initial two support thresholds at $60,000 and $56,000, signaling a bearish undertone and indicating substantial downward pressure on the digital asset.

Bitcoin Analyst

There are expectations of another liquidity influx leading to a significant dip below $50,000, with this movement anticipated to create a support base at $52,000. The concept of 'liquidity flow' denotes a sudden price plummet followed by a swift recovery. In this scenario, the analyst posits that Bitcoin's price might momentarily drop below $50,000 before rebounding and stabilizing around $52,000.

Potential for Bitcoin to Decline Further

Despite the oversold status of Bitcoin's daily Relative Strength Index (RSI) and other technical indicators, Stockmoney Lizards suggests that there is still room for further downward momentum. An oversold condition often signifies undervaluation and hints at a potential price surge. However, the analyst cautions that Bitcoin may not be primed for a recovery just yet.

The favorable outcome envisioned by Stockmoney Lizards involves Bitcoin consolidating at the $52,000 level. Consolidation, marked by price movement within a narrow range that signals a temporary market trend pause, is expected to give rise to a bullish divergence characterized by increased trading volumes.

The critical question revolves around the timing of this anticipated bullish divergence. Such divergence occurs when an asset's price registers lower lows while a momentum indicator such as RSI records higher lows, hinting at a probable reversal in trend. The analyst suggests that this pivotal moment is on the horizon, as we wait to see if the envisaged bullish divergence materializes for BTC.


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