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Analysis of Kraken CEO Jesse Powell's $1M Donation in Trump Campaign

Jun 28, 2024

Analysis of Kraken CEO Jesse Powell's $1M Donation in Trump Campaign

Jesse Powell, a co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, garnered attention for contributing $1 million in Ether to Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential campaign.

With cryptocurrency donations on a decline, the query arises: Will Trump alter the destiny of crypto? Endorsed by prominent figures in the industry, the outlook appears promising.

Powell's $1M Trump Card

As the campaign gains momentum, Powell's $1 million endorsement for Trump is noteworthy, viewing him as the sole major party candidate actively promoting pro-crypto policies. Powell's donation seeks to impact policies that could influence the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies, revealing the engagement of crypto leaders in U.S. political spheres to safeguard their stakes.

In his declaration of the contribution, Powell critiqued the regulatory strategy of the Biden administration, specifically calling out individuals like Senator Elizabeth Warren and SEC Chair Gary Gensler. He accused them of undermining the competitiveness of the U.S. crypto industry through strict regulations and hostile language.

Trump's Fundraising Prowess

On the other hand, Donald Trump's presidential run, which started accepting crypto donations in May, amassed a mere $59,000 in total, as per an analysis by Breadcrumbs, a blockchain analytics firm.

The campaign received contributions from Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, founders of the Gemini crypto exchange, each providing 15.47 Bitcoin - around $1 million - to the campaign. Analysis of blockchain data until June 17 indicated that the campaign obtained less than $60,000 in crypto from just 218 donors, predominantly through Coinbase transactions.

While Biden aligns with regulatory entities like the SEC, Trump strives to dismantle antagonistic policies and advocate for digital currencies. Evaluating the crypto strategies of both leaders, do you think Biden or Trump adopts the appropriate approach to crypto regulation? Feel free to share your insights!


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