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Anatoly Yakovenko Links Solana with Satoshi in Surprising Statement

Sep 15, 2024
  1. The Connection Between Solana and Bitcoin
  2. Is Solana a Bitcoin Layer 2?
  3. Previous Statements and Parallels

Anatoly Yakovenko, the founder of Solana, recently made a surprising claim on Twitter, connecting Solana to Satoshi Nakamoto. He stated that Solana operates as a Bitcoin Layer 2 (L2) solution that was approved but not supported by Satoshi. This assertion has sparked curiosity and debate within the cryptocurrency community.

The Connection Between Solana and Bitcoin

Yakovenko emphasized, 'Solana is a Bitcoin L2 approved by Satoshi but not supported. This time, it has hidden its traces much better.' His remarks suggest that Solana might possess qualities akin to Bitcoin, hinting at a deeper architectural similarity.

Solana is a Bitcoin L2 approved by Satoshi but not supported. This time, it has hidden its traces much better.Anatoly Yakovenko

Is Solana a Bitcoin Layer 2?

Layer 2 solutions aim to improve the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks. However, Solana is an independent Layer 1 blockchain with a unique proof of history consensus mechanism. Yakovenko's classification of Solana as a Bitcoin L2 may allude to the similarities between the two blockchains. Such comments imply that Solana may have drawn inspiration from some core principles of Bitcoin.

Previous Statements and Parallels

Yakovenko has previously made similar humorous statements. In February, following the revelation of a 120-page email correspondence between Satoshi Nakamoto and original Bitcoin developers, he pointed out the parallels between the ideologies of Bitcoin and Solana.

Satoshi also invented Solana. This time, he was much more successful in hiding his traces. The truth is out there somewhere.Anatoly Yakovenko

These remarks might provoke discussions in the cryptocurrency community and raise new questions about Solana’s future direction.


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