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Aptos Blockchain Introduces Keyless Wallet App with ZK-proofs

Jul 4, 2024

The recent unveiling on July 3 revealed that Aptos blockchain has introduced a web-hosted keyless wallet application that utilizes ZK-proofs for user verification. Named 'Aptos Connect,' this new wallet allows users to access decentralized applications by logging in through Google, eliminating the need for hardware security modules, passkeys, or a multiparty computation network.

Aptos Connect streamlines Web3 onboarding by enabling users to effortlessly create and manage Aptos blockchain accounts with a single click using their Google login credentials, removing the necessity for private keys and offering a seamless experience within the app of the developer. It achieves this by leveraging the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard and zero-knowledge proofs to associate social logins with blockchain accounts.

Allowing users to authenticate with a Google or Apple ID is not a novel concept in the crypto sphere. Several wallet protocols, such as Magic Labs' 'Magic Links,' Web3 Auth, and Coinbase's Smart Wallet, already facilitate this method. However, Aptos Connect distinguishes itself by providing the same convenience without requiring users to engage in email verifications, enter passkeys, or rely on a multi-party computation network.

Users can log into their wallet by simply selecting the 'Continue with Google' button and choosing a Google Account. Aptos intends to introduce Apple ID integration soon, catering to users who prefer not to use Google.

The innovative app was made viable by Aptos Improvement Protocol 61 (AIP-61), which permits transactions to be approved through JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) utilized by major login providers like Google, Facebook, and Apple. To protect user and login provider identities, ZK-proofs are employed, ensuring that blockchain data does not disclose the Google ID linked to an Aptos account.

Aptos suggested that the new wallet could assist in the onboarding of a 'new generation' of crypto users:

'By leveraging familiar web2 login flows, Aptos Connect simplifies the process of introducing a new wave of users to the blockchain world with just one click, eliminating the need for private keys.'

Aptos Connect depends entirely on the security of the user's Google account to safeguard funds. However, the documentation warns that if a user's Google account is compromised, their cryptocurrency could be at risk: 'If the OIDC account (e.g., Google) is breached, all keyless accounts associated with that user's OIDC account could be exposed.' Despite this, some users may find this risk acceptable, as 'all the software on the Internet' currently relies on Web2 login providers.

In recent times, the Web3 sector has been emphasizing the development of user-friendly wallets. In June, Coinbase unveiled its smart wallet application, enabling users to create a new wallet using a Windows Hello passkey. Likewise, Eco presented a similar product named 'Beam Wallet' in July 2023.


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