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Aptos Collaboration with Alibaba Cloud to Boost Smart Contract Programming in Japan

Jun 28, 2024

Aptos Partners with Alibaba Cloud to Enhance Blockchain Development in Japan

Aptos is increasing its focus on the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region through a new initiative in collaboration with Alibaba Cloud. The Aptos Foundation has joined forces with Alibaba Cloud to bolster the blockchain ecosystem in Japan and enhance regional accessibility across APAC. This collaboration, announced on June 28, aims to promote smart contract programming languages within the Japanese market.

According to the joint agreement, a co-branded developer community named Alcove has been established by both organizations. Alcove's primary objective is to advocate for the adoption of the Move programming language. The inaugural event under Alcove's banner will be a meetup organized in partnership with OKCoin Japan and Alibaba Cloud. This gathering intends to showcase the practical advantages of web3 technology and digital assets within Japan.

In addition to these meetups, the Aptos Foundation plans to conduct a series of hackathons for the Alcove community. These hackathons are designed to educate the local population about the potential applications of blockchain technology.

Bashar Lazaar, the head of grants and ecosystem at Aptos Foundation, expressed the shared goal of creating a dynamic environment that fosters Japan's growing interest in web3 technology and intellectual property advancements.

Alibaba Cloud, a prominent tech giant in China, has been actively exploring the blockchain sector as part of its diversification strategy. In September 2023, Ant Group Digital Technologies, an entity linked to Alibaba Group, introduced ZAN, a dedicated brand focusing on providing blockchain development tools. The objective behind ZAN is to offer an array of blockchain development solutions and services tailored to meet the requirements of institutional as well as individual web3 developers.


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