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ARK Development Report - April 5, 2024

Apr 6, 2024

Development Summary

The weekly development report showcases the efforts of the development team at ARK. From March 29th to April 5th, 2024, the team made a total of 82 commits across all projects. The number of commits may vary week by week based on internal sprints, objectives, and project complexities.

ARK Connect Weekly Progress

The focus in the past week was on designing and specifying new features for ARK Connect. Some tasks accomplished include determining the default theme based on user preferences, enabling a fee for vote transactions, enhancing the favicon border for connected apps, and updating dependencies. The Demo App also saw improvements, including a custom fee component.

Next week, the team plans to finalize specifications for new features, work on implementation, and continue making improvements based on feedback.

ARK Scan Weekly Progress

Progress in ARK Scan involved integrating Mainsail and basic integration with ARK Connect. Tasks completed include adjustments to the ARK Scan version for Mainsail, implementing the ARK Connect navbar button, refining the connection flow, and enhancing the testing suite for Mainsail.

In the upcoming week, the team will focus on further integration of Mainsail and related changes to ARK Connect.

ARK Vault Weekly Progress

Similar to ARK Scan, ARK Vault worked on integrating Mainsail support. Achievements for the week include adding Mainsail as a development network option, improving signing for Mainsail transactions, and enhancing support for various transactions. Improvements were also made to show validator data in the wallet.

Moving forward, efforts will continue on Mainsail integration, aiming to release a testing version with basic transactions in the coming weeks.

Mainsail Weekly Progress

The focus for Mainsail was preparing a new testnet release to address reported issues. Updates included managing static fees through milestones, synchronizing milestones, resolving calculation issues, and introducing new transaction routes. Additional improvements were made to the Mainsail ARK Scan testnet.

Looking ahead, the team will focus on addressing reported issues, preparing scripts and test cases, implementing transaction verification checks, and conducting internal performance testing.

Feedback & Feature Requests

Users can provide feedback or request features by contacting the team via specific product contact pages or opening an issue on GitHub.

For access to GitHub issue pages: - Mainsail - ARK Connect (Extension) - ARK Connect (Demo) - ARK Scan - ARK Vault


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