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Weekly Development Report for ARK Products

Sep 14, 2024
  1. Development Summary
  2. ARK Scan Weekly Report
  3. Reports: ARK SDKs, Docs, Vault, and Mainsail

Welcome to the weekly ARK development report. We continue to focus on refining and optimizing our projects such as ARK Scan, ARK SDKs, Docs, ARK Vault, and Mainsail.

Development Summary

From September 6th through September 13th, 2024, the team made 153 commits across various projects. The number of commits and data for each project fluctuates based on internal sprints, objectives, and complexity.

ARK Scan Weekly Report

We continue updating ARK Scan to the latest versions of Laravel and Livewire. The main issues being addressed include: the back button interfering with query strings, keys for specific tabs persisting, pagination breaking when switching tabs. These and other issues will be resolved with thorough testing.

Reports: ARK SDKs, Docs, Vault, and Mainsail

The ARK SDKs and Docs teams are enhancing documentation for new crypto and client packages, as well as designing the new documentation site. The ARK Vault team is updating the app's design and user experience. The Mainsail team focuses on optimizations and fixes, including memory leak solutions and improved database performance. Next week will involve performance testing and migrating changes to the development branch on GitHub.

The ARK team continues to work diligently on refining and optimizing products. Weekly updates provide insight into the team's progress and efforts.


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