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Aviator DAO Constitution: Principles and Procedures

Sep 10, 2024
  1. What is a DAO?
  2. Standard Procedures
  3. Proposal Creation

The Aviator DAO Constitution is outlined to facilitate an understanding of the key principles and governance procedures of the project through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

What is a DAO?

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a management structure that uses blockchain technology to automate certain aspects of voting and transaction processing. The Aviator project aims to embrace the power of decentralization by fully utilizing the DAO to approve all outgoing uses of funds from the Treasury, making it wholly community-owned. Following community approval, any outgoing transaction must also receive approval from 3 out of 5 multisigs, providing additional oversight and protection of project funds. The Aviator DAO uses the Snapshot platform for a transparent and accessible voting protocol.

Standard Procedures

Project proposals will be presented on social media for discussion, and discussions will be hosted on the Aviator community Discord server. Users of other platforms are encouraged to host their own discussions. * Major proposals voting shall last 7 calendar days. * Minor proposals voting shall last 3 calendar days. * Proposals may be repealed with a two-thirds supermajority vote. * Amending this constitution shall require a three-quarters supermajority vote. The multisig has an emergency veto capacity in the event a proposal would be deemed harmful to the project. A veto requires unanimous approval from all five multisig signers. Funds in other project-operated accounts such as Marketing or Bridge addresses do not require DAO approval for transactions. There shall be no minimum quorum required for proposals to finalize.

Proposal Creation

There are currently no direct proposal publications by AVI holders. Community proposals can be submitted at any time to [email protected]. Selected proposals shall be presented to the community for discussion before the decision is made to publish it for DAO voting. All proposals that make it to a DAO vote shall receive $50 in AVI from the marketing account as an award.

The Aviator DAO Constitution outlines the key principles and procedures of governance, ensuring transparency and community involvement in decision-making and managing project funds.


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