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Beware of Crypto Romance Scammers Offering Investment Advice

Jun 12, 2024

Warning Issued by the US Federal Trade Commission

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has raised concerns regarding crypto romance scammers who provide investment advice. The commission emphasizes the potential risks involved and advises immediate reporting and vigilance to safeguard others from falling victim to such fraudulent schemes.

Deceptive Practices of Crypto Romance Scammers

In a recent consumer alert, the FTC highlighted the deceptive strategies employed by scammers disguising themselves as romantic interests to exploit individuals financially. These scammers establish emotional connections with their targets, creating an illusion of expertise in cryptocurrency investment. The FTC warned that many individuals have suffered substantial financial losses, ranging from tens of thousands to millions of dollars, due to falling prey to these romance scams.

The modus operandi of these scammers typically begins with unsolicited contact on social media platforms. Through meticulous examination of the victim's profile, scammers aim to build trust and rapport.

Once a bond is formed, the scammers transition the conversation towards investment opportunities, claiming to prioritize the victim's financial security. However, their true intention is solely focused on personal financial gain.

Recognizing the Red Flags

According to the FTC, it is essential to be cautious if someone you meet online offers guidance on cryptocurrency investments. These fraudsters often make enticing promises of high returns, assure no risks involved, and propose to educate you on investment strategies. Despite their persuasive tactics, the FTC emphasizes that all investments inherently carry risks, and any guarantees of returns are misleading.

Scammers frequently request immediate transfers of money via gift cards, payment applications, or cryptocurrency, commonly used methods for fraudulent activities. If you come across such solicitations, it is crucial to cease communication promptly, report the scammer to the relevant social media platform, and notify the FTC.

In case you encounter such suspicious scenarios, the FTC recommends terminating all interactions with the individual, reporting them on social media platforms, and lodging a formal complaint with the FTC. Sharing this cautionary advice on social media platforms can also assist in preventing others from falling victim to similar scams.

Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute trading advice. bears no responsibility for any investment decisions made based on the content of this article. It is strongly recommended to conduct independent research or seek guidance from a qualified professional before making any investment choices.


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