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Bitcoin ETF Inflows and Price Stability

Jun 26, 2024

Bitcoin ETF Inflows and Price Stability

Bitcoin continues to maintain its value above $61,000, buoyed by political endorsements and optimistic forecasts. Notably, Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) witnessed a noteworthy $31 million inflow after a series of outflows.

The recent market volatility, attributed to the miner capitulation event, triggered a decline in Bitcoin prices. This downward trend was exacerbated by the announcement from Mt. Gox regarding creditors' reimbursements scheduled for July.

Price Evaluation

Bitcoin surged above $62,000 earlier today, depicting a marginal uptick of almost 1% within the last 24 hours.

Political Endorsements

Despite fluctuations, Bitcoin continues to garner positive predictions and political backing. Reports suggest that prominent figures like Trump are contemplating participation in the Bitcoin 2024 event. Additionally, a proposed bill by Florida's representative, Matt Gaetz, proposes the integration of Bitcoin for federal tax payments, envisioning a modernized tax framework.

Future Outlook

Bitcoin's future appears bright as on-chain analyst Willy Woo projects a recovery post-miner capitulation. Woo envisions a scenario where Bitcoin achieves a 25-40% global adoption rate by 2030, potentially challenging the dominance of the US dollar.

ETF Performance

After a streak of seven consecutive outflow days, BTC ETFs witnessed a significant shift with a inflow of $31 million on June 25. Notable movements include Grayscale's GBTC experiencing outflows, while Fidelity's FBTC and Bitwise's BITB saw considerable inflows. Other BTC ETFs in the US remained neutral in terms of flows on the same day.

These events underscore the growing significance of Bitcoin as an asset class and signal the changing landscape of cryptocurrency investments.


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