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Bitget Announces Avail Project's AVAIL Tokens Inclusion in Pre-market Sales

Jun 28, 2024

Bitget, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 firm, has disclosed its decision to feature Avail Project's AVAIL tokens in pre-market token sales for its user base. This move signifies that Bitget users will now have the opportunity to trade AVAIL tokens through buy and sell bids before its official launch.

Avail Project is actively facilitating the integration of Web3 technologies with its Unification Layer, which promises a secure, scalable, and interconnected ecosystem for end users. The pivotal AVAIL token within this framework offers various utilities and advantages to its holders, notably through Avail's Data Availability (DA) solution. This innovative solution provides affordable and expandable storage space, advancing the concept of a unified web3. Through Avail's DA solution, a multitude of rollups can be established, fostering the creation of applications and Dapps across the Web3 landscape.

Bitget's Pre-market platform serves as a strategic resource for traders and investors who seek early access to promising tokens like AVAIL. By enabling users to engage in token trading prior to their official market debut, Bitget aims to cater to the needs of both novice and seasoned traders alike. This feature empowers users to participate in early trading activities, potentially benefiting from market trends before widespread availability.

The introduction of Avail (AVAIL) into Bitget's Pre-market portfolio aligns with their objective of expanding investment opportunities for their users. This move follows the platform's successful early access launches of various projects such as EigenLayer (EIGEN), Merlin Chain (MERL), Renzo (REZ), BounceBit (BB), Meson Network (MSN), Zerolend (ZERO), Notcoin (NOT), ZeroLayer (ZRO), and ZkSync (ZKSYNC) since its inception in April 2024.

Bitget, recognized for its diverse offerings and commitment to facilitating investment in promising projects, has solidified its position as one of the top 10 cryptocurrency spot trading platforms. With an extensive range of over 900 coins and 1000+ pairs, Bitget continues to lead the crypto derivatives market, boasting an impressive Open Interest (OI) surpassing $6 billion last month, capturing a substantial 25% market share. In the recent 30-day period, Bitget has notably recorded the highest monthly inflow among centralized exchanges, attracting $1.3 billion in new capital, reinforcing its standing as an industry leader.

For further details on AVAIL tokens within Bitget's Pre-market platform, users can refer to the platform's support resources.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget stands out as a premier cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 entity on the global stage. Serving a user base exceeding 25 million across 100+ countries and regions, Bitget pioneers intelligent trading solutions, including the innovative copy trading feature. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet represents a top-tier multi-chain crypto wallet embracing various Web3 functionalities such as wallet management, swaps, NFT Marketplace, and a DApp browser. Bitget collaborates with esteemed partners like football sensation Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes to promote crypto adoption and foster a vibrant community.

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