In Lagos, the police apprehended criminal groups threatening drivers of e-hailing platforms such as Bolt. The company's representatives expressed gratitude for the actions of law enforcement.
Arrests of criminal groups
The Lagos police reported the arrest of seven criminal gangs specializing in attacks on taxi service drivers. Such incidents have led to the deaths of several drivers, and the police have also arrested the buyer of a stolen car.
Response from Bolt representatives
Bolt's General Manager in Nigeria, Osi Oguah, acknowledged the police's swift action and emphasized that driver and passenger safety is a top priority for the company. Bolt is actively collaborating with law enforcement and investing in safety technology.
Safety measures
Bolt continues to implement a variety of safety measures and conducts educational campaigns to increase driver awareness of existing tools. Drivers are advised to use the platform's safety features, such as sharing trip details with trusted contacts.
Arrests made by the Lagos Police serve as an important step towards enhancing safety for ride-hailing operators. Bolt continues to focus on collaborations and innovations to ensure this security.