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BRICS Initiative for Stablecoin in Efforts Towards Dedollarization, Will XRP Get Involved?

Apr 29, 2024

BRICS Consortium, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has recently expressed significant interest in introducing a customized stablecoin for international settlements. This initiative is part of a broader and ambitious strategy aimed at reducing the dominance of the US dollar (dedollarization) in global trade.

This step not only highlights the increasing influence of the consortium on the world economic stage but also signifies an important shift towards digital financial technology.

Initiated by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia

According to Zycrypto, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov, has been at the forefront of this new financial endeavor, suggesting that the economic alliance is seriously exploring the feasibility of launching a stablecoin in the near future.

While details of this digital currency are still somewhat vague, Ryabkov's announcement is a clear signal that BRICS is poised to make a significant impact in the global financial field.

Conversations about this proposed stablecoin are intriguing, given indications that it may be backed by gold, rather than traditional fiat currencies. This approach has the potential to offer a more stable and reliable alternative compared to other digital currencies that often rely on the market volatility they are pegged to.

The large gold reserves held by BRICS member countries support this theory, indicating strong support for a stablecoin if this path is chosen.

Technology and the Future of BRICS Stablecoin

However, there is also speculation that BRICS may consider using other technology platforms for their stablecoin initiative. Some analysts suggest that the coalition may leverage the Ripple XRP settlement platform, while others believe BRICS could develop a completely new platform tailored to their specific needs.

Regardless of the chosen technology, the underlying goal remains clear, which is to enhance cross-border transaction efficiency among member countries.

Beyond enhancing transaction efficiency, there is a strategic dimension to BRICS' push towards digital currencies. Countries like Russia and China have been particularly affected by Western economic sanctions.

By transitioning to digital currencies, BRICS countries hope to reduce the West's ability to effectively enforce sanctions.


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