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ByteDance AI Apps Lead Global Downloads

Aug 21, 2024
  1. ByteDance's Achievements in AI Apps
  2. Growing Popularity of Doubao Chatbot
  3. ByteDance Leads GenAI Categories

ByteDance has made significant strides in the AI app market, according to data from the industry research firm Unique Capital. In July, the CapCut and Doubao apps topped global downloads.

ByteDance's Achievements in AI Apps

In July, the CapCut video editing app registered 38.42 million downloads, while the Doubao chatbot got 27.45 million downloads. These figures surpassed the downloads of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which had 19.81 million during the same period. This showcases ByteDance's growing popularity in the AI market.

Growing Popularity of Doubao Chatbot

Doubao, which started operations in August last year, garnered 30.42 million monthly active users in July. Although Doubao has fewer monthly active users than ChatGPT's 172 million, this growth indicates ByteDance's potential threat to the chatbot industry. ByteDance CEO Liang Rubo has emphasized the importance of AI for the company.

ByteDance Leads GenAI Categories

ByteDance has continued to invest in AI technologies, increasing market competition. The most downloaded GenAI app categories—AI assistants, image and video editing, and search—are currently dominated by ByteDance's CapCut and Doubao apps. Despite ByteDance's success, there are other strong competitors in the market, such as Moonshot AI's Kimi chatbot, supported by Alibaba, and Baidu's Ernie Bot.

ByteDance's achievements in AI and the successful downloads of their apps indicate the company's significant influence in this sector. Amid increasing competition, ByteDance continues to show high results, leading various AI categories.


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