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Cardano Foundation Concludes ICC Member Election

Jun 28, 2024

The recent election held by the Cardano Foundation, a non-profit organization responsible for managing the Cardano blockchain, marked the end of the selection process for the Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC). This committee is tasked with making decisions and overseeing the initial governance actions on-chain.

Intersect, a blockchain-based member organization, revealed that out of the six candidates selected, the top three individuals were elected to join the ICC, with the remaining three designated as alternates in case any of the top three decline their positions. The election witnessed a substantial stake of over 455 million ADA tokens, accompanied by close to 2,000 unique votes.

The successful entities chosen to be part of the ICC include the Cardano Atlantic Council, Cardano Japan, and Eastern Cardano Council. Additionally, Mauro Agustin Andreoli, Scientific Analytical Tools LLC, and Joshua Stone have been appointed as alternates. Patrick Tobler, the CEO of NMKR, an NFT platform, has also been involved in the process.

This election signifies a significant step in the democratization of Cardano's governance, as the community plays a key role in shaping the constitution and governance structure.


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