The Cardano price has shown significant momentum, increasing by more than 13% since the start of trading. Despite market participant uncertainty, substantial investments from 'whales' and rising large transaction volumes indicate confidence in the cryptocurrency's future.
Current Market Dynamics of Cardano
Against the backdrop of overall positive market sentiment, the Cardano price increased by over 13%. Technical indicators suggest uncertainty in the next step, as the active address count surged from 23.69K to 88.2K within a week but subsequently dropped.
Whale Activity and Large Transactions
Since the beginning of Q4, 2024, large investors holding over $10 million in ADA continued to accumulate assets. The volume of large Cardano transactions increased by nearly 300% in the past two weeks, reaching $22.6 billion.
Technical Analysis and Outlook
According to the weekly chart of ADA, the price exited the 'bearish' trend. However, following the 'bullish' crossover, a 'bearish' divergence is noticed, indicating potential weakness among the 'bulls'. Breaching the resistance zone between $0.766 and $0.87 can signal further growth, potentially exceeding $1.
In conclusion, the positive dynamics of Cardano may continue if the current positions in the resistance zone are maintained. Further growth will depend on market conditions and investor activity.