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Challenges Faced by Bitcoin Miners Due to Declining Mining Revenue

Jul 4, 2024

The value of Bitcoin's daily mining revenue has reached a historical low, posing significant challenges for miners in the industry. Luxor's hashprice index reveals that on July 4, 2024, at 6 a.m. EDT, the price per petahash (PH/s) dropped to $44.842. Despite this considerable decrease in earnings, the seven-day simple moving average for Bitcoin's overall hashrate has seen an increase from 556 exahash per second (EH/s) to 578 EH/s according to a report on This decline in the hashprice index exacerbates the financial pressure on Bitcoin miners, particularly impacting smaller mining operations. The diminishing revenue per petahash presents a growing challenge for these smaller miners, making it harder for them to sustain profitability. The simultaneous rise in computational power alongside the decline in earnings underscores the challenging landscape faced by Bitcoin miners.


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