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Charles Hoskinson on Cardano and Upcoming Updates

Aug 24, 2024
  1. Hydra Controversy
  2. Cardano Announcements

During the Rare Evo 2024 conference, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson made several statements regarding the network's security and upcoming updates.

Hydra Controversy

Hydra is a Layer-2 scaling solution designed for Cardano, aimed at boosting transaction throughput and ensuring cost efficiency without compromising security. Hydra Head serves as a foundation for more advanced scenarios by employing isomorphic, multi-party state channels, essentially functioning as an off-chain mini ledger shared between a small group of participants. Despite regular updates on Hydra's development and performance, community skepticism persists. Hoskinson highlighted Hydra's advantages, such as the ability to move assets on and off-chain seamlessly, and praised the team of developers currently working on updates.

Cardano Announcements

Hoskinson also made several announcements. According to him, a major update PlutusV3, which will bring new possibilities for applications built on Cardano, will be released within weeks. Another upcoming update is PGP encryption for wallet security. Hoskinson compared the 1991 technology to paper wallets, the latter being not safe enough. He also announced a $1 million bounty for hacking a secure wallet.

Charles Hoskinson continues to strengthen Cardano's position in the market by focusing on network security and scalability. Significant updates are expected to potentially change community perception and increase trust in the platform.


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