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ChatGPT Launches Memory Feature for Users in Europe and South Korea

Sep 8, 2024
  1. New Memory Feature in ChatGPT
  2. How to Activate the Memory Feature
  3. User Data Control

The new memory feature in the latest ChatGPT macOS app update allows users in Europe and South Korea to save their preferences and personal information, offering more personalized responses.

New Memory Feature in ChatGPT

The memory feature, initially unavailable in Europe and South Korea, now enables the retention of user information such as preferred response formats, life details, and previous engagements. By activating this feature, users can customize ChatGPT's responses, resulting in more personalized interactions.

How to Activate the Memory Feature

To enable this feature, users need to update their ChatGPT macOS app to the new version. After updating, they can navigate to the settings by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen, select the 'Personalization' tab, and turn on the 'Memory' feature. This will allow the chatbot to save and remember some of the gathered information, enhancing user interaction.

User Data Control

One of the most notable aspects of this update is the ability for users to control the information the chatbot saves. Users can view and erase any specific information at their discretion. Additionally, a 'Clear ChatGPT’s Memory' option is available, which deletes all stored information with one click. This feature is completely optional, and those who do not wish to save any data can continue using ChatGPT without enabling the memory option.

The memory feature in ChatGPT enhances and personalizes user interaction for those in Europe and South Korea, allowing them to save preferences and fully control stored information.


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