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China advises auto manufacturers to suspend investments in India and Turkey

Sep 20, 2024
  1. An official warning to Chinese manufacturers
  2. Consequences for the Chinese industry and potential alternatives

The Chinese government has issued an official warning to its electric vehicle manufacturers to suspend investments in India and Turkey. Both countries are considered risky due to diplomatic tensions and political instability.

An official warning to Chinese manufacturers

The Chinese government has advised its electric vehicle manufacturers to suspend their investment plans in India and Turkey, two emerging markets that were nevertheless considered promising for these vehicles. In a statement relayed by local media, Beijing justifies this decision due to 'unfavorable economic and political conditions' in these two countries. Regarding India, despite its membership in BRICS, the growing diplomatic tensions with China, particularly on border issues, seem to have played a decisive role. As for Turkey, which has expressed its ambition to join the organization, Beijing points to an 'uncertain regulatory environment,' making long-term investment profitability difficult.

Consequences for the Chinese industry and potential alternatives

This new orientation of the Chinese authorities could seriously affect the growth prospects of some major manufacturers like BYD or Nio, who were counting on these markets to diversify their overseas operations. Other companies, like Geely, had also started exploring these two economies for local partnerships or production plant installations. Now Chinese manufacturers will have to focus their efforts on other less risky regions, such as Southeast Asia or Africa. By prioritizing markets perceived as more stable, China, however, leaves the field open to other competitors, notably European and American, who could establish themselves in these two interesting countries in more than one way. Which does not necessarily benefit the BRICS.

By favoring less risky regions, such as Southeast Asia or Africa, China intends to preserve its short-term interests, to the detriment of more strategic relations within the BRICS. Nevertheless, this reorientation highlights the complex challenges faced by the members of the organization, where national interests can sometimes diverge from common goals.


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