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Coinbase Pushes for FDIC Disclosure of Crypto Crackdown Documents

Sep 19, 2024
  1. Coinbase's Legal Battle Against FDIC
  2. Significance of the Court's Decision
  3. Congress' Silence and MetaLawMan's Questions

Coinbase's legal battle against the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) over alleged crypto crackdown has seen significant progress.

Coinbase's Legal Battle Against FDIC

On June 27, 2024, Coinbase filed lawsuits against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and FDIC, accusing them of cracking down on the cryptocurrency industry. The lawsuits allege that both agencies have hindered the sector's development.

“There’s progress in our FOIA suit against FDIC to get the 'pause letters' sent to financial institutions 'suggesting' they debank crypto firms. The Court ordered them to give up a 'Vaughn Index,' a sort of FOIA privilege log. Inch by inch, we will get to the truth of Chokepoint…”Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase

Significance of the Court's Decision

The court has ordered FDIC to provide a 'Vaughn Index,' a detailed record of documents the agency is keeping from the public. This decision could shed light on the measures taken against crypto firms as part of Operation 'Chokepoint 2.0.'

Congress' Silence and MetaLawMan's Questions

MetaLawMan questions Congress’ silence on the actions of government agencies aimed at suppressing the cryptocurrency industry. These questions focus on potential overreach and lack of transparency in the agencies' actions.

The court's decision requiring FDIC to provide documentation could be a significant step in uncovering the true motives and actions of agencies targeting the cryptocurrency industry. Congress' silence continues to provoke questions and discussions.


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